Kevin 11, the screenwriter for "Expelled," had been telling us on his blog that he doesn't say anywhere in his film that Darwin or atheism were the cause of Hitler's policies. Yet according to this "Open Letter to a victim of Ben Stein's lying propaganda," by Richard Dawkins, people like Michael Shermer have gotten letters saying things like this:
Now I truly understand who you atheists and darwinists really are! You people believe that it was okay for my great-grandparents to die in the Holocaust! How disgusting. Your past article about the Holocaust was just window dressing. We Jews will fight to keep people like you out of the United States!
It turned out the author of the letter had just seen "Expelled."
Some blame is put on Ben Stein for the film's mendacious suggestion that Darwin and atheism are to blame for Hitler. However, Stein was only a hired actor speaking the lines given to him by Kevin 11. He didn't necessarily know. Kevin is the one who did the "research" and crafted the blue print for this propaganda film. He has less of an excuse.
And if you go to his blog you'll find Kevin continually trying to deny he has made any such connection. In the comments section of his blog, for example, this one, he wrote: one is arguing that Darwinism is a sufficient condition for Nazism, but it is a necessary one, because Darwinism provided the philosophical and scientific justifications for pre-existing prejudices and hatreds.
New communications technologies, railroads and trucks were necessary conditions to kill millions, but Darwin's theory was not. Without the trains and trucks for the transportation of the victims, Hitler's henchmen could not have gotten them to the camps easily. Without the communications technology, Hitler and his henchmen couldn't have passed their orders across Germany and Europe.
Does anyone really think that all the pogroms and antisemitic violence before Darwin would not have been worse if only they had better technology? The attacks against Jews back during the Crusades, the Pogrom of 1096 in France and Germany? The massacres of Jews at London and York in 1189-1190? In the eleventh century there were Muslim pogroms against Jews in Spain.
I had already noted before that the Germans had plenty of philosophical and pseudo-scientific justifications without using Darwin. In fact, many of the justifications used were specifically Christian.
Not only are "necessary conditions" such as railroads and radio generally considered morally blameless, or at least not something to be abandoned because they enabled mass murder, the idea that Darwin's theory is even in that group is utterly bogus. The first assumption in this faulty logic here is that because the killings of millions of people like that didn't happen until after Darwin that his theory might be a necessary condition or cause. But killing people, killing Jews, in large numbers, hundreds and thousands, goes back to before the Roman empire. The only big change was in humanity's capability to organize and move people.
Kevin 11 admits that his research pretty much involved reading books like Peter Weikart's "From Darwin to Hitler," which is itself a political propaganda book.

Brian Flemming predicted it would happen on his last blogpost, but I couldn't believe they'd be that stupid.
It appears that the producers of "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" (in the making of this film) have used John Lennon's song, "Imagine," in their film without getting permission. Yoko Ono, and Lennon's sons are suing the filmmakers.
1 comment:
That book sounds familier:
Quote Ben Stein (When asked what prep work he did for the movie):
"[I did] Some [reading to prep for Expelled]. I read one book cover to cover, From Darwin to Hitler, and that was a very interesting book--one of these rare books I wish had been even longer."
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